hi rudy,

it's great to hear that you added additional features to the add-on.

+1 for creating a short tutorial as soon as the patch is committed.



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2010/6/15 Rudy De Busscher <rdebussc...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> A few weeks ago, a first version of the Required label add-on was
> committed.  It was able to place an asterisk in front of a label that was
> 'attached' to a required field
> (by his for attribute), based on the extval/BeanVal annotations it found.
> The Required label add-on was something that I always wanted, so I had the
> specs for a more advanced version already prepared.  Now I took the
> opportunity to extend the
> initial version to a completely customizable one. First the plain extval
> version was taken (not the BV one, although code could also be integrated
> there)
> Due to the fact that I encountered a few problems (see further on), it took
> me a bit more time but everything works now.
> These are the functionalities (when label is 'attached' to a required
> field):
> - By default, it places an asterisk in front of the label
> - By default, it adds the css-class 'ExtValRequiredLabel' to the label
> - the marker can be customized by the web.xml parameter
> at.gp.web.jsf.extval.label.REQUIRED_MARKER
> example
>     <context-param>
>         <param-name>at.gp.web.jsf.extval.label.REQUIRED_MARKER</param-name>
>         <param-value>X </param-value>
>     </context-param>
> - The location of the marker can be customized by the web.xml parameter
> at.gp.web.jsf.extval.label.PLACE_MARKER
> Allowed values are BEFORE, BEFORE_COLON and AFTER.
> - works with EL expressions and also as literal values in the value
> property as text for the label.
> - Marker isn't placed when at the requested location, marker is already
> present.
> - The used css-class (instead of ExtValRequiredLabel) can be customized by
> the web.xml parameter at.gp.web.jsf.extval.label.REQUIRED_CLASS
> - All these functionalities are implemented in
> DefaultRequiredLabelInitializer class.  And as in a good ExtVal tradition,
> users can replace it by their own implementation.
> They must implement the interface RequiredLabelInitializer and specify the
> full class name by the parameter
> at.gp.web.jsf.extval.label.REQUIRED_LABEL_INITIALIZER.
> Some remarks
> - If one is only interested in the css way and no marker is required,
> following value can be specified
>     <context-param>
>         <param-name>at.gp.web.jsf.extval.label.REQUIRED_MARKER</param-name>
>         <param-value></param-value>
>     </context-param>
> - It is possible to specify HTML in the required marker (like the asterisk
> is placed in red).  Automatically the escape property of the label is set to
> false. (be aware that
> if the original label text contained already HTML or XML, it is no longer
> encoded and thus strange effects could occur)
> - When you specify BEFORE_COLON and there is no : found in the literal text
> or literal part of the EL, the AFTER functionality is used.
> So a good usage of resource bundle is <h:outputLabel
> value="#{msg['key.field.label']} :" for="label" />
> - By adding the css class, the EL that could be present is evaluated at
> that time.  For the rest of the lifecycle (and possible subsequent ones if
> caching of facelets
> occurs) the css class is a literal value and no changes could be picked up
> from referenced sources.
> So what where the problems:
> - The escape property of the OutputLabel isn't taken into account during
> rendering. (MYFACES-2751).  This will be fixed in version 1.2.10.  If one
> uses an older version and
> want to use the HTML style of the required marker, one needs to add the
> EscapeHtmlLabelRenderer (included in the add-on) as used renderer in the
> faces-config file.
> - On the otherhand the creation of tests where a problem since
> MockValueExpression doesn't allow a mixture of literal and references in the
> EL.  Therefore a
> CompositeMockValueExpression was created (see package
> at.gp.web.jsf.extval.composite.mock) that can handle constructs like
> "#{msg['key.field.label']} :".  I'll open a JIRA
> issue so that we can add them to Myfaces Test (and later on when ExtVal
> will be using Myfaces-test, I shall add it to base-test-infrastructure
> subproject.
> I'll prepare a little tutorial where the above functionalities are
> explained in more detail.
> Have fun with it.
> Regards
> Rudy.

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