Hi Trinidad Developers,

javax.faces.el.MethodBinding is deprecated and has been replaced with javax.el.MethodExpression.

But UIXCommand.setActionListener() still continues to take MethodBinding as argument, and moreover, i could not find a way to set a MethodExpression as actionListener on a UIXCommand programmatically (checked on http://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad/trinidad-api/apidocs/index.html).

This is leading to deprecation warnings in our application code compilation. What is the way to get out of it?

Also, i noticed that for setting the 'action' attribute, there is setAction(MethodBinding) and setActionExpression(MethodExpression). I guess setAction(MethodBinding) is for backward compatibility, but then that method should be marked as deprecated.


Anjan Banerjee | Principal Member Technical Staff | +91.80.4108.6392
Oracle WebCenter Development
Lexington Towers | #18 Prestige St John's Woods | Bangalore 560029 | India

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