Hi Jan, I am just forwarding your issue to the MyFaces list, where you
will get a better and faster response. I don't have time to look into
this now.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jan Tepper <ven...@mail.uni-paderborn.de>
Date: 2009/7/8
Subject: Trinidad sorting including checkboxes in tr:table
To: bara...@apache.org

Hello Mr. Aranda,

I do have a problem about amazing Trinidad. when i sort a column in
tr:table all works fine, but if i use multiselection, the selected
rows are not sorted. Here an example of my problem:
here a simple example: ( 0 : unselected checkbox, X : selected checkbox)

tr:table has one column and multiselection is set, first checkbox is checked:
X | A
O | B
O | C

after sorting in descending order it looks like this, where rows are
sorted and checkbox-selection is ignored.
X | C
O | B
0 | A

this is, what i need, where rowKeySet is sorted as well :

0 | C
O | B
X | A

i've searched through many sites, but did not find any hint. it would
be a great help, if you could give me a hint, how to solve this
problem. Sorry for bothering you, but i don't know how to solve.
thanks a lot.

jan tepper

Shah Mat - Computerspielprojekt der Universität Paderborn
ComOff Coding Client Team
(Stand : 03/2009)

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