I need to put the converter from backing bean because the inputDate component 
is being created dynamically based upon the number of records in the 
database.Why can't we put sort of <tr:validateDateTime >in the backing bean????

And yes the BB bean is request scoped!!!!

I further tried to make a sample application that contained a class 
implementing Converter class. It was registered in faces-config.There was a JSF 
page with a button and inputDate. I the action method of the button I created 
an instance of the converter class and set it as follows:-
inputDate1.setConverter(new myConverter());

But here as well the calendar component gave up working(====rant====)!!

Please specify what u mean by cross-postings......


--- On Thu, 3/7/08, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TRINIDAD] Unable to use Converter with tr:inputDate
Date: Thursday, 3 July, 2008, 5:55 PM

Please do no cross-postings...

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 2:14 PM, dushyant agarwal
> Hi,
> I have JSF page which contains a tr:inputDate component as given below:-
> <tr:inputDate binding="#{BB.inputDate1}"/>
> As well as there is a commandButton
> <tr:commandButton action="#{BB.action}">
> In the Backing bean the action method is as follows:-
> public String action(){
> DateTimeConverter converter = new DateTimeConverter();//the Trinidad
> DateTime Converter
> inputDate1.setConverter(converter);
> return null;
> }
> While running the JSF page, on clicking the button the converter does get
> applied, But after the Page gets rendered if the user again clicks on the
> calendar button to select a new date then a javascript error appears
> (/**incomprehensible**/). How else can I set the above mentioned converter
> on the inputDate cpmponent from the backing bean.
is the scope of the BB bean request ?

> pl. consider that I strictly need to set the converter from  the backing
> bean.


> Thanks,
> Dushyant
> ________________________________
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