
I installed FireBug with Mozilla FireFox.
In my JSP page I had got a tr:from and a tr:commandButton. On clicking on the 
commandButton the following process took place. 

In one Page1.jsp I have got the following code:
<tr:form id ="form1" binding="#{backing_Page1.form1}">
<tr:commandButton id="submit" binding="#{backing_Page1.submit}"/>


Not much of a code ??

Now on using FireBug's debugger I got one error at line 4948 in the js file.
It said:
a0.submit is not a function.

Now this line is inside a java script function 
submitForm(form#form1,1,source:'submit').At line 4948 in the Fire Bug console I 
found a0.submit(); and on putting a break point at line 4948 I got the value of 
a0 to be = form#form1Page1.jsp. On moving further from the break point I got 
the error "a0.submit" is not a function; 

Now this was in a test application but the same scenario is arising inside the 
production application(which is bit more complex)where I tried to change h:form 
to tr:form to use the defaultCommand functionality. 
There as well the same error came up : line 4948, a0.submit is not a function.

Now I want to know the solution. Hope to have provided you with useful 

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