Hi All, I am trying to show component level error message on a screen which is partially submitted. Interestingly tr:messages shows all the error messages but tr:message fails to show any error message when a command button with partialsubmit = true is clicked. tr:message works in case a normal command button with partialsubmit= false. attaching the converter code. i have set the partialTriggers property of the tr:message component with the button which has partialsubmit = true. where am I going wrong?
following is the xhtml file <ui:composition xmlns:ui=*"http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" * xmlns:tr=*"http://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad" * xmlns:trh=*"http://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad/html" * xmlns:h=*"http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" * xmlns:f=*"http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" * xmlns:t=*"http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk" * xmlns:jsp=*"http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page"*> <tr:document> <f:view> <tr:form> <tr:panelHorizontalLayout> <tr:inputText id=*"qtyfield"* simple=*"true"* converter=*"quantityConverter" *> </tr:inputText> <tr:commandButton text=*"Click"* partialSubmit=*"true"* id=*"clickme"* ></ tr:commandButton> <tr:commandButton text=*"submit"* id=*"clickmetoo"*></tr:commandButton> </tr:panelHorizontalLayout> <tr:panelHorizontalLayout> <tr:message id=*"msgqty1"* for=*"qtyfield"* partialTriggers=*"clickme"*></ tr:message> </tr:panelHorizontalLayout> </tr:form> </f:view> </tr:document> </ui:composition> thanks
Description: Binary data