Dear MyNewt community,

I am writing my first MyNewt unit test package and I was hoping that someone 
could help me resolve an issue that I'm having. It seems that I have to include 
the project BSP as a dependency in my unit test package but when I do that and 
try to run it using newt test, the compiler complains that "Settings defined by 
multiple packages: MCU_FLASH_MIN_WRITE_SIZE" which is defined for under 
syscfg.defs of different MCU families in apache-mynewt-core/hw/mcu. How can I 
avoid this multiple definitions issue which only occurs when I try to run the 
unit tests?

Thanks in advance,

Mikhail Efroimson
Senior Software Engineer
RAB Lighting
408 W. 14th St., New York, NY 10014
Main office: 201 784-8600  |  201 784-5438 (fax)
Cell: 617-719-4636<>

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