Ok, here’s the draft for the first one.



Mynewt is a real-time operating system for constrained embedded systems.

Mynewt has been incubating since 2015-10-20.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Produce a first Apache release of downloadable RTOS image with support for 
multiple peripherals and network connectivity.
  2. Add support for additional micro controller architectures.
  3. Expand the community, increase dev list activity, and add new 
committers/pmc members.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

  Just started incubation, nothing specific to report at this time.

How has the community developed since the last report?

  We are approximately 2 weeks into the incubation process.

    1. Core infrastructure has been set up. Core contributors have completed 
       their ICLA’s. Apache accounts, mailing lists, JIRA, and website are in
    2. First drop of documentation is linked to the incubator website on AFS.
    3. Participation on the @dev mailing list was seen with installation 
       and troubleshooting questions from mentors and 1 new subscriber.

How has the project developed since the last report?

  Early activity:

  1. Initial code drop on Apache git repository for Mynewt RTOS for Cortex M4 
and M3 
     architectures in debug environment
  2. Initial code drop on Apache git repository for newt tool to build basic 
RTOS images downloadable in debug environment
  3. Core infrastructure is set up

Date of last release:

  No release yet.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  Initial list of committers have been on-boarded.
  No new members added on top of the initial committer list.


  [ ](mynewt) Sterling Hughes
  [ ](mynewt) Jim Jagielski
  [ ](mynewt) Justin Mclean
  [ ](mynewt) Greg Stein
  [ ](mynewt) P. Taylor Goetz

Shepherd/Mentor notes:
> On Nov 1, 2015, at 10:22 PM, Justin Mclean <justinmcl...@me.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> Yes, I can pick up this task. I will work with Sterling and send out a 
>> report tomorrow for a first review.
> Post a draft to dev@ and I’ll review it when it done.
> Thanks,
> Justin

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