
For those of you on the list not at Runtime, you may have noticed a slow down in commits. Internally, we're making a push towards documentation and ease of use, now that we're moving towards releasing / releasing. Everyone is sitting and dutifully writing docs.

As its a Friday, I'm holding on some threads that I'll kick off next week, specifically:

- Roadmap: all of us have been spending a fair amount of effort getting the releases planned out in JIRA. This will need to get turned into a project roadmap, as we start planning things out.

- Release Notes: as we start releasing, I think it will be critical to have detailed release notes. Especially as we are getting out there with quite a few known bugs and Mynewt is under fairly active development.

- Release artifacts & branching strategy: it became apparent in our last release that we have a ways to go in order to make our method of distribution compatible with ASF release procedures. Further, as we begin managing releases we'll need a clearly articulated branching strategy.

Fun.  That's all next week...

But for now, I wanted to make a quick point: we are NOT code freezed for Beta 2. So, as you document things, if you find little ways to make the code easier to use, or see obvious bugs. Let's fix it! :-)


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