Sorry all; thought this was addressed to dev

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: will sanfilippo <>
> Subject: Re: hal organization and multiple smaller packages
> Date: February 22, 2016 at 3:42:15 PM PST
> To:
> See comments
>> On Feb 22, 2016, at 2:58 PM, Sterling Hughes <> wrote:
>> On 2/22/16 1:24 PM, will sanfilippo wrote:
>>> My 1/2 cent on this topic (and I certainly dont think you killed the 
>>> discussion; it is a difficult topic):
>>> * I think the HAL is meant to be a fairly general, simple, abstraction. 
>>> Hopefully over time we will be able to incorporate more advanced HAL 
>>> features, but most HALs I have seen implement the basics and I bet that 
>>> works for most folks.
>>> * I think the HAL should live in hw/mcu. Well, api in hw/hal and 
>>> implementation in hw/mcu.
>>> * As sterling says, drivers can be built that use the HAL. Take the 
>>> external ADC example. There would be a driver for that ADC chip that would 
>>> use a SPI HAL if it had SPI. For internal ADCs, the HAL provided in hw/hal 
>>> should be enough as I suspect it will (eventually), implement what most 
>>> folks want.
>>> * As far as being able to see what features of a HAL are implemented, I 
>>> dont see why this is such a problem but it is probably because I am not 
>>> thinking of “beginner” users. Doesnt seem terribly difficult to document, 
>>> on a per mcu basis, which features of the HAL are supported by that 
>>> particular MCU. And if the developer calls an API with some parameters that 
>>> are not implemented on this MCU they get an error. Part of the problem I 
>>> have with this is is my own personal bias: I would never blindly call HAL 
>>> functions without first reading the chip documentation. I dont see why 
>>> anyone would do such a thing :-)
>>> * I am not a fan of runtime HAL introspection APIs. To me, that is just 
>>> extra code that serves very little useful purpose.
>> I agree with no runtime, but think there should be capabilities on a more 
>> granular basis.
> Sorry, I did not mean to imply that there should not be more granular 
> capabilites. I think there should be. Having ways to insect packages for 
> these capabilities so developers can easily see what our HAL supports is a 
> good idea. I just dont think this needs to be made overly complicated is all.
>> i.e. a driver can require a hal-adc, or hal-gpio capability, and an MCU can 
>> export these, rather than the just "hal."
>>> * I think the HALs should allow for the user to choose which “peripheral” 
>>> to bind to and that is done through the BSP or the HAL API itself. For 
>>> example, the user should be able to pick ADC #1 or ADC #3.
>>> * I do agree that sometimes it is difficult to know that you need to call 
>>> functions like bspProvideADCconfig() and the like. Not sure how this gets 
>>> solved other than documentation and looking at examples that we provide.
>> IMO, the HAL should provide APIs to do this, and the BSP should call those 
>> APIs.
> Not sure what you mean exactly. Is it the same as our current structure? The 
> project code calls hal api which in turn call bsp api?
>> Did you see other email: what do you think about flash?  Should the HAL APIs 
>> just apply to internal flash / should we get rid of HAL Flash altogether, or 
>> should HAL flash encompass both internal & external flashes...?
>> Sterling
> I did :-) I have not given it enough thought so I dont think I have an 
> intelligent answer. However, the idea of a HAL flash appeals to me. Question: 
> if we said the hal flash should be internal only, how do we deal with 
> external flashes? Library code calls driver code?

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