
How are you measuring the latency? I presume you have a scope on a GPIO input 
and maybe set a GPIO high when you are inside the ISR and measure the time 
between them? Or are you measuring the timing using a task? There is certainly 
some hard limitation on interrupt response time but I am not sure what that is 
for the nrf52 specifically. If you tell me exactly how you are measuring the 
timing, what tasks you have running and their respective priorities, I might be 
able to hazard a guess as to why there are differences. I would also like to 
know what interrupts are enabled and their priorities.

> On Jan 27, 2017, at 6:38 PM, WangJiacheng <jiacheng.w...@icloud.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an interrupt triggered  by GPIO input, and observed different 
> interrupt latency from different CPU state. If all the tasks are sleep, the 
> interrupt latency is about 20us-30us, if the CPU is in idle mode with simple 
> calling “__WFI()”, the interrupt latency is about 10us-15us, and if the CPU 
> is running, the interrupt latency can be within 8us.
> I do the test as following, create a low priority task with 3 case:
> 1), the task loop is like
> while (1){
>   /* keep the task in sleep mode, the interrupt will be 20us-30us */
>    os_time_delay(OS_TICKS_PER_SEC);
> }
> 2). the task loop is like
> while (1){
>   /* put the CPU in idle mode by simple calling WFI, the interrupt will be 
> 10us-150us */
>    __WFI;
> }
> 3). the task loop is like
> while (1){
>   /* keep the CPU always running, the interrupt will be within 8us */
>   os_cputime_delay_usecs(1000000);
> }
> Any idea to reduce the interrupt latency from all tasks are in sleep mode? or 
> there is a hard limitation of interrupt response time?
> Thanks,
> Jiacheng

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