Hi Philip,

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 12:56:19PM -0700, Philip Levis wrote:
> First off, I’m super excited about mynewt: an open-source BLE stack is
> tremendously valuable. Great work!

Good to hear!

> But I’ve run into a problem: I’m trying to get started and build
> bletiny for the nrf51dk. When it links bletiny.elf, it says that .text
> won’t fit in FLASH, it’s overflowing by 2392 bytes. So two questions:

It's a tight fit, but the nRF51dk should be able to accommodate bletiny.
Are you using Mynewt 0.9.0?

Here are a few things to check:

* Make sure your target is configured to use the "optimized" build
  profile; "debug" is too large.

* Have you enabled any additional logging or other debug features in
  your build target (e.g., by setting the LOG_LEVEL symbol)?

If these suggestions don't solve your problem, could you please send
the output of "newt target show" to the list?


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