Hi all,

The second meeting on Regional Groups will be held later today, 13:00 UTC Friday, 15 May. As before, the meeting will be at irc.freenode.net, #oooregional

To find your time: 

Issues, notes from last meeting:

The key points:

* have frequent small, local meetings over beer, local food: to meet and greet and get to know people * have larger, more important meetings, eg, Regional OOoCons, less often, and arrange them so that travel is not a fatal encumbrance * set up an NGO when it makes sense but attend to the problems all face of having to manage the funds and do the actual work. Hint: it's not trivial.

We have (not I; others far better) set up a wiki for regional groups that I hope becomes a repository of wisdom, as well as, eventually, a means to track events, groups, people. Our goal is, after all, to make it easy to have fun with the OOo community :-)

The wiki is at:


At some point, it may make sense to set up a dedicated mail list and project, but for now, let's see if this one works. I am loathe to create new lists that seem useful but end up in fact fragmenting community. Better to have some noise than the clean sounds of silence.


PS thanks to Raphael for reminding me.

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