Next week, for the days of 1 and 2 October, the city of Paris will be the site of the 2009 Open World Forum [0]. Along with, I hope and expect, a great number from the francophone community, including Sophie Gautier, Charles Schulz, and others, I shall be there advancing our cause. As well, I'll be giving a couple of presentations both days, on subjects ranging from the general (Foss, Clouds, the desktop, etc.) to more specific and related to working with and on OOo. The conference promises to be large, intense, important.

The Community Council has also made our presence there that much more possible, and I thank them for it.

But I should hope that this event, like others before it and like others to come, is a threshold to other work. OOo has reached, as we always seem to, yet another milestone: of popularity, of acceptance, of use, of speculation. The desktop itself is evolving--we all know that--and the future direction it may take, for enterprises as well as for consumers, is one that we, OOo, are shaping. No other application provides the productivity tools using widely accepted open standards as Any device, mobile or not, to be actually something more than an ultimately unsatisfactory toy, needs the kind of productivity tools only can provide.



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