Hi Stroud,
I think the NetBeans project will need a git repo for sample code sooner
or later.
I cc this to the dev list, this might be something we can set up.
best regards,
On 09.09.23 20:30, Stroud Custer wrote:
I put together a replacement for the sample code that is missing from
the JavaSE Depoyment tutorial. The code carrries the Apache software
licence. I have attached a zip file containing the project.
The tutorial itself would require just a few edits (primarily class
names) to adapt it to my sample code.
I have some questions before I proceed.
1. Where do I place the zip file. There doesn't seem to be an path in
the web page source tree that matches the url in the tutorial adoc file.
2. The current tutorial references Java version 7 and 8. I developed
this code using Java 19. Should I test the project with an earlier
version, and if so, which one?
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