Rami Swailem wrote:
> Thank you for this Eric. Tried it and works for me, perfect …
> a vote from community member :-)
Here's my +1 (from another happy community member)
Best wishes,
Andreas Sewe
Dr. Andreas Sewe | s...@cqse.eu | +49 152 56342856
CQSE GmbH | Centa-Hafenbra
Dialog" doesn't expose such an option, though.
Best wishes,
Dr. Andreas Sewe | s...@cqse.eu | +49 152 56342856
CQSE GmbH | Centa-Hafenbraedl-Strasse 59 | 81249 Muenchen | www.cqse.eu
Amtsgericht Muenchen | HRB 177678 | GF: F. Deissenboeck, M. Feilkas
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
atter which
version I pick.
It's a bit worrying, though, that apparently no-one maintains that API
anymore. But unless it suddenly becomes incompatible with Java Umpteen
(not impossible, given the speed with which Java is changing nowadays),
I can live with this.
Best wishes,
eferenced in "Apache NetBeans Platform for Beginners", so I always
thought it to be a part of NetBeans. Or are licensing issues standing in
the way?
Best wishes,
Dr. Andreas Sewe | s...@cqse.eu | +49 152 56342856
CQSE GmbH | Centa-Hafenbraedl-Strasse 59 | 81249 Muenchen | ww
against different versions of NetBeans, to check API
compatibility. I would hence very much appreciate it if ValidationAPI
will be released in lockstep with the rest of NetBeans, even if there
are no changes in a particular version.
Best wishes,
Dr. Andreas Sewe | s...@cqse.eu | +49 152