Hi there,

I made an Hello Word index.jsp to try Tomcat with Netbeans (12 Beta).

All went good and fine.

I am learning Java, so as soon I make another projects I will keep you updated.

Again, thank you, very, very much.

> On 17 Mar 2020, at 16:47, Sergio de A.Gonzalez <sergi...@mac.com.INVALID> 
> wrote:
> Thank you very much.
> Sure I will provide feedback.
> Sergio
>> On 17 Mar 2020, at 16:46, Geertjan Wielenga <geert...@apache.org> wrote:
>> It does not exist. Here is the beta, we need you to try it and provide
>> feedback:
>> https://builds.apache.org/view/M-R/view/NetBeans/job/netbeans-TLP/job/netbeans/job/release120/2/artifact/dist/netbeans/
>> Gj
>> On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 8:43 PM Sergio de A.Gonzalez
>> <sergi...@mac.com.invalid> wrote:
>>> I am running Mac OS Catalina.
>>> Where do I get Netbeans 12.0 ?
>>> Thanks you all,
>>> Sergio
>>>> On 17 Mar 2020, at 16:40, Mark Eggers <its_toas...@yahoo.com.INVALID>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Note that Name->Name->Name . . . indicates using the right-mouse button
>>>> to pop up the secondary menu.
>>>> Environment:
>>>> ============
>>>> Windows 10 Professional
>>>> OpenJDK 11.0.6-10
>>>> Tomcat 7.0.94 (waiting for 7.0.103)
>>>> NetBeans 12.0-beta 1 downloaded zip from Jenkins
>>>> Imported settings and plugins from 11.1
>>>> Did not install nb-javac
>>>> Application
>>>> ===========
>>>> Maven 3.6.3 (external)
>>>> Servlet specification 2.5 web application built with JDK 1.8
>>>> (ProjectName->Properties->Build->Compile)
>>>> 1. First run (ProjectName->Run)
>>>> 1.a. Builds fine
>>>> 1.b. Starts Tomcat fine
>>>> 1.c. Brings up default browser fine
>>>> 2. First clean ProjectName->Clean)
>>>> 2.a. Cleans fine
>>>> 2.b. Does not remove app.xml from %TOMCAT_HOME%\conf\Catalina\localhost
>>>> 2.c. Application appears in Services->Tomcat-Web Applications as stopped
>>>> 3. Second run (ProjectName->Run)
>>>> 3.a Builds fine
>>>> 3.b Deploy fails with
>>>> Deploying on Apache Tomcat 7.0.94
>>>>  profile mode: false
>>>>  debug mode: false
>>>>  force redeploy: true
>>>> In-place deployment at F:\SRC\vc-audit\app-audit\target\app
>>>> Deployment is in progress...
>>> deploy?config=file%3A%2FC%3A%2FUsers%2Fmdegg%2FAppData%2FLocal%2FTemp%2Fcontext7321539432234453999.xml&path=/app
>>>> FAIL - Application already exists at path [/app]
>>>> 3.c Browser is not opened
>>>> 4. Second clean (ProjectName->clean)
>>>> 4.a. Cleans fine
>>>> 4.b. Does not remove app.xml from %TOMCAT_HOME%\conf\Catalina\localhost
>>>> 4.c. Application appears in Services->Tomcat-Web Applications as stopped
>>>> Work-around:
>>>> Manually remove %TOMCAT_HOME%\conf\Catalina\localhost\app.xml
>>>> There may also be a race condition. Sometimes, the ProjectName->Clean
>>>> operation will fail with not being able to remove a JAR in the
>>>> target\app\WEB-INF\lib directory. A second ProjectName->Clean manages to
>>>> fix this. A second ProjectName->Clean does not remove app.xml
>>>> Should this be filed as a bug (I think so)?
>>>> . . . just my two cents
>>>> /mde/
>>>> On 3/17/2020 9:05 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
>>>>> This has been fixed:
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/netbeans/pull/1981
>>>>> You could try with 12.0-beta 1 and let us know if that works for you:
>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rfc276e9f0879562c85dc56f870856819e0515c1b193fb513778f4034%40%3Cnetcat.netbeans.apache.org%3E
>>>>> Gj
>>>>> On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 4:52 PM Sergio de A.Gonzalez
>>>>> <sergi...@mac.com.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> I am new to Netbeans and starting to learn Java.
>>>>>> I am trying to install Netbeans and Tomcat on my Apple/Catalina
>>> computer.
>>>>>> Every time I start Tomcat it says it can’t start.  I have try
>>> everything
>>>>>> and look everywhere but with no success.
>>>>>> I can see that Tomcat is running when I start it on my browser and
>>> then I
>>>>>> shutdown it and wait for Netbeans start it, but no success.
>>>>>> Can anyone help me?
>>>>>> Sergio
>>>>>> Sergio de A.Gonzalez

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