Mike is correct, Put your SOAP XML in the body (I use a ReplaceText Processor), 
add your Attributes to Send and then Invoke using the correct URL:
Here is the SOAP section from one of my flows:

Step 1) Replace Text Processor
        Search Value    (?s)(^.*$)
        Replacement Value <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope 
xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";> <soap:Header> 
<ApiServiceHeader xmlns="http://xxxxxxx";> <UserName>${UserName}</UserName> 
<Password>${Password}</Password> <ClientToken>${ClientToken}</ClientToken> 
<Client>${Client}</Client> </ApiServiceHeader> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> 
<GetBuildingsDataRequest xmlns="http://xxxxxxx";> 
</GetBuildingsDataRequest> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
        Character Set   UTF-8
        Maximum Buffer Size     1 MB
        Replacement Strategy    Regex Replace
        Evaluation Mode Entire text

Step 2) Update Attribute: (may not be necessary for your flow)
        Store State     Do not store state
        Stateful Variables Initial Value        No value set
        SoapAction      ${SoapActionRoot}SubmitGetBuildingsData

Step 3) Invoke HTTP
        HTTP Method     POST
        Remote URL      
        SSL Context Service     No value set
        Connection Timeout      30 min
        Read Timeout            30 min
        Include Date Header     True
        Follow Redirects        True
        Attributes to Send      (Host|SoapAction)
        Basic Authentication Username   No value set
        Basic Authentication Password   No value set
        Proxy Host      No value set
        Proxy Port      No value set
        Proxy Username  No value set
        Proxy Password          No value set
        Put Response Body In Attribute  No value set
        Max Length To Put In Attribute  2048
        Use Digest Authentication       false
        Always Output Response  false
        Trusted Hostname        No value set
        Add Response Headers to Request false
        Content-Type    text/xml; charset=utf-8
        Send Message Body       true
        Use Chunked Encoding    false
        Penalize on "No Retry"  false

It was pretty easy once I got the Xml structure correct.

Hope this helps

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Thomsen [mailto:mikerthom...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2018 4:17 AM
To: dev@nifi.apache.org
Subject: Re: SOAP Service through InvokeHTTP

Been a while since I've done anything with SOAP, but the way I remember it is 
it's just a POST operation with a XML payload at the end of the day. If you 
have configured the endpoint properly in the processor's URL property and set 
it to do a POST, the *flowfile content* should be where you put the SOAP 
request body. In the example of SO, it looked like you were using a dynamic 
property to store the soap:Envelope segment, and I don't think that's going to 
work. Let me know if you make any progress with the method I suggested.


On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 5:55 PM, Code Novice <tuxfa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've only just subscribed to the dev@nifi.apache.org mailing list and 
> today was my first time even knowing that a thing like 'maling lists' 
> existed.
> Regardless, I'm posting my question in hopes to seek out how you 
> eventually managed to get your InvokeHTTP Processor to work with SOAP 
> as I have not yet been able to do so.
> I posted my original question on this matter on Stackoverflow  here
> <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49457764/nifi-how-
> to-use-invokehttp-processor-with-soap>
> . I also referenced this post as it is the only place I am seeing 
> somebody use the InvokeHTTP with SOAP.
> I'm using SOAPUI to verify that everything works and it does as I am 
> getting the appropriate XML response back. However I am unable to 
> accomplish this in NiFi. My guess is that I don't know what to call my 
> dynamic properties. I also don't fully understand what data I would 
> add to the Value of my dynamic properties.
> <http://apache-nifi-developer-list.39713.n7.nabble.com/file/t939/SOAP.
> png>
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-nifi-developer-list.39713.n7.nabble.com/

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