I deleted the authorizations.xml and user.xml files on all the nodes of the
cluster and restarted the nodes.
The Nifi nodes do not start up and I see the following errors int he logs
2018-09-20 08:20:09,003 ERROR [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdErr
Failed to start web server: Error
We have no wild cards in the certificates created.Each node certificate has a
unique CN name same as that of the hostname.
Sent from: http://apache-nifi-developer-list.39713.n7.nabble.com/
Thanks for the suggestions.
I tried exactly the same step and deleted authorizations.xml and user.xml
from all the cluster nodes and tried starting the nodes.I am encountering
the below error while starting the nodes now and the node does not start
2018-09-20 08:20:09,003 ERROR [NiFi logging
Thanks for the reply.Please find below the authorizations.xml and user.xml;-
Errors in the user logs:-
2018-09-19 05:25:14,267 INFO [NiFi Web Server-22]
o.a.n.w.a.c.IllegalStateExceptionMapper java
We are trying to integrate Nifi-7.1 with SSL and LDAP.
We have two different Nifi installation,one which is a standalone node and
the other which is a three node cluster.
Nifi Standalone:-
We were able to successfully integrate the Standalone node with SSL and
login to the Nifi UI with th
Hello Experts,
We have a Nifi cluster without certificates or SSL implementation.
We have a requirement to call another url/interface from the Nifi flows
using https url since the end point is configured with SSL.
The "https" end point uses a self signed certificate and in order to trust
the certi
Thanks Mark,
I had a follow up question though.
Let's say you have a nifi flow with site-to-site deployment between two
nodes node-1- source and node-2
destination on a non secure cluster.
The default http port "8080" is used in the configuration of the RPG on node
which is http://node-2:8080/
Thanks Bryan and Andy for the advice.
As Brian mentioned,the issue was with running the toolkit command multiple
I ran it freshly with all the host names at once and it works fine.
View this message in context:
Hello Experts,
I have secured my three node nifi cluster and followed the links below:-
The only difference is that I used the toolkit standalone mode to generate
the require
Thanks Mark.
That really helps.Appreciate it!
View this message in context:
Sent from the Apache NiFi Developer List mailing list archi
Basically, on the destination Nifi cluster,at a Global Policy level,I have
enabled "Retrieve Site-to-Site" for the source nifi user.
On the default root Nifi-flow processor,on the input port,I can see the
policy "Receive site-to-Site"
However,when I create a new Process Group ,let's say Test and
Hello Team,
We have two environments of Nifi ,one whihc is a standalone and the other
whihc is a cluster.
I have upgraded the Nifi (standalone as well as cluster) in our non prod
environment from 1.1.1 to 1.3.0 ,Implement TLS and also integrate with LDAP.
I followed the process mentioned in the
Thanks Mark.
I did the same and have got the embedded zookeeper running only on one of
the nodes now.
Both the nodes are up now.
However,I am not able to connect to the UI now.
It runs on the default port 8080.
root@hostname-1/opt/nifi/test/nifi-1.3.0/logs# netstat -an |grep
I was able to get over this.There was a typo and I can now start the two
clustered Nifi nodes.
However, I keep on getting the below messages on both the nodes when I try
to start them.
2017-06-29 13:03:58,537 WARN [main] o.a.nifi.controller.StandardFlowService
There is currently no Cluster Coordi
I am trying to set up a fresh nifi cluster with 2 nodes.Details below:-
Nifi version 1.3.0
jdk - Oracle jdk-1.8.0_131
I tried to start the nifi nodes in a non clustered mode and both of them
started up fine.
After that,I have been trying to set up the 2 node nifi cluster and it fail
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