Severity: moderate


Multiple components in Apache NiFi 0.0.1 to 1.16.0 do not restrict XML External 
Entity references in the default configuration.

The Standard Content Viewer service attempts to resolve XML External Entity 
references when viewing formatted XML files.

The following Processors attempt to resolve XML External Entity references when 
configured with default property values:

- EvaluateXPath
- EvaluateXQuery
- ValidateXml

Apache NiFi flow configurations that include these Processors are vulnerable to 
malicious XML documents that contain Document Type Declarations with XML 
External Entity references.

The resolution disables Document Type Declarations in the default configuration 
for these Processors, and disallows XML External Entity resolution in standard 

This issue is being tracked as NIFI-9901


Disabling the Validate DTD Processor Property in EvaluateXPath and 
EvaluateXQuery mitigates the vulnerability for those Processors. No mitigation 
is available for the ValidateXml Processor or the Standard Content Viewer.


David Handermann at reported this issue.


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