I have figured out how to CHANGE a flowfile's attributes (make a new one), but
not how to ADD to it new attributes. My tinkering is at this level currently:


public void onTrigger(final ProcessContext context, final ProcessSession
session) throws ProcessException {  
FlowFile flowFileBefore = session.get();  
if ( flowFileBefore == null ) {  
// TODO implement  
System.out.println("Received a flow file"); // I never see this... Where to
// String p = flowFile.getAttribute(MY_PROPERTY.getName()); // "My Property"**



// This works, as long as I only change an existing (input) attribute...

// FlowFile flowFileAfter = session.putAttribute(flowFileBefore,"My Property",


// I need to build a _complete_ descriptor, I'm thinking? (see below after
this method)

Map<String, String> mAfter = ListToMap(descriptors);  
mAfter.put("Third name", "Third Description"); // <\--- doesn't make Nifi
FlowFile flowFileAfter = session.putAllAttributes(flowFileBefore, mAfter);  
session.transfer(flowFileAfter, MY_RELATIONSHIP);  


_Creating a descriptor (Attribute):_


public static final PropertyDescriptor MY_PROPERTY2 = new PropertyDescriptor  
.Builder().name("My Property2")  
.description("Example Property2")  


It must be really simple, but even with me being simple, I'm just staring at
forum posts...






( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  


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