Hi Apache NiFi Team,

Greetings and glad to connect with you.

I am currently working on hands on experience of sentimental analysis
tutorial integrating with twitter and facebook API. I am struck with few
issues and request your assistance on the same.

getTwitter processor - i am not able to get tweets filtered by twitter IDs.
(IDs to follow field value is not working as expected. I did get the
numeric value of twitter IDs and input in the value as comma separated but
no results). Please advice as I look to filter my tweets on particular IDs
and also by particular location by cities like Toronto, calgary.

getHTTP processor for facebook integration works fine but i am unable to
fetch data from my personal facebook ID. I tried accessing the Graph API
and it mentions user permissions are not granted but I did provide the
essential permissions in app settings. Please advice if you could help out
in setting the facebook app permissions to ensure I can fetch user_status,
user_location fields. On success, I would need to venture out few options

Look forwardly for your reply.

Warm Regards,
M. Mothilal

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