[ANNOUNCE] Apache Nutch 1.1 released

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Mattmann
(...apologies for the cross posting...) The Apache Nutch project is pleased to announce the release of Apache Nutch 1.1. The release contents have been pushed out to the main Apache release site so the releases should be available as soon as the mirrors get the syncs. Apache Nutch, one of the six

Perms on /www/nutch.apache.org/apidocs

2010-06-18 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Hi Sami, Can you change the permissions on /www/nutch.apache.org/apidocs? I'm trying to update the Nutch website for the 1.1 release and was trying to actually recheck everything out fresh and I wasn't able to overwrite the apidocs folder b/c the subfolders are owned by you and not writeable. Can

[jira] Commented: (NUTCH-780) Nutch crawler did not read configuration files

2010-06-18 Thread Vu Hoang (JIRA)
[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NUTCH-780?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=12880090#action_12880090 ] Vu Hoang commented on NUTCH-780: Thanks for your solution, Andrzej > Nutch crawler did not