You are maybe right, but we should not confuse the mean with the goal.

It could be indeed that at a moment the checklist is unrealistic.

Then,  before releasing, we should ask for each issue the person who sets the 
priority if s/he did for the reason documented in the wiki.

If this person maintains but some disagree, then it's the community to decide, 
by a vote if necessary.

Ultimately if no decision is taken, it's to the release manager to decide issue 
by issue when releasing.

The filter I created for that shows we currently have only 3 blocking issues.

I don't think these issues were defined as blocker for release then.

I asked in them:

"After deciding that a blocker is an issue which blocks a release, should we still 
consider it's the case here?"

Though these details seem obvious to me, should I put them in the Release 
Management Guide page?


Le 07/07/2018 à 12:10, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :
Many blocker issues are not really blocker (some of them in my opinion
are trivial and not even worth a JIRA). I don't think this checklist
is realistic.

On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 2:45 PM, Rishi Solanki <> wrote:
Thanks Jacques!!

Rishi Solanki
Sr Manager, Enterprise Software Development
HotWax Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Direct: +91-9893287847

On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 12:56 PM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

Hi committers,

I have added a line at
uence/display/OFBIZ/Release+Management+Guide+for+OFBiz "Things to check
before a release":

"Check that no open blocker Jira issues are still pending" with a Jira

The idea is that when you spot an issue which should block a release you
set its priority as blocker

This is also explained at

The blocking idea is that you can't release w/o fixing a specific issue



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