Hi Olivier,

Terrific contribution, IMO seems like a serious option for
frontend modernization to be considered by OFBiz contributors/commiters,
I'm going to try the POC on my end and will check the options to stay tuned
of your effort.

Kind Regards,

On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 10:03 AM Olivier Heintz <holiv...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Community,
> As explained in a previous mail, we (me and others co-worker in a company
> I am working for) are working on a POC for using Vue.js as GUI generated
> from the current screens/forms/menu xml ofbiz files.
> The customer goals is to be able to migrate a lot of existing Portal /
> portlet developed with ofbiz R13.07 on trunk and on a modern GUI.
> The main customer specification / requirement are, for the first step of
> migration
> 1. minimum of modifications on xml file, to have the easier and quicker
> migration
> 2. same GUI rules, to facilitate user acceptance
> 3. new GUI for a component should be working with classic GUI for other
> components
> Enhancement can be possible but will be applied in a second step with
> productOwner check and validation.
> Current POC status is : done with example for some screen / field /menu,
> waiting user testing feed back before starting partymgr migration.
> Our demo platform is
> https://ofbiz-selenium.ofbizextra.org/examplefjs/control/main with admin
> / ofbiz
> the chosen architecture is,
> 1. a new ScreenViewHandler which
> - use new renderer for screen / form /menu
> - to return a json with 2 map
> * ViewScreen with detail about presentation (similar to xml tag and
> properies)
> * ViewEntity with data to populate ui generated (extract from screen/forms
> data)
> 2. a vue.js app with one component per "ofbiz xml tag" (similar to macro
> ftl)
> 3. using the event-update-area to do the extra action (ex: update a
> watcher, and so portlet which have subscribed to this watcher is updated)
> It's a POC, so it's a support to discuss about technical or GUI point. All
> current choices can be challenged to find the correct or strong solution
> and quickly see the result.
> We work on a agile mode, so most of the parts are prototype which should
> be reviewed and maybe finalized.
> Documentation has begun
> https://ofbizextra.org/ofbizextra_adocs/docs/asciidoc/developer-manual.html#_frontjs_portal
> if you want to test it in your environment, the 3 plugins
> * vusjsportal : all vuejs components and new handler and new renderers and
> all common files for all fjs components
> * examplefjs : specifics files for the ofbiz example component using vue.js
> * flatgreyfjs : dedicated theme for vue.js with vuetify
> are available on https://gitlab.ofbizextra.org/ofbizextra/ofbizplugins.
> I don't detail more, it's better to answer questions or remarks than a too
> long mail !
> Next step seems to be to migrate all party portlets to
> 1. check if current component are enough for all common screens / fields /
> menus
> 2. have more real use case to test

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