
I found an error with ajax inPlaceEditor on list example. When you clic to open editor and you valid, the serviceEventHandler refuse the modifiction for security reason :
2009-05-12 16:44:48,793 (http- [ServiceEventHandler.java:406:ERROR] =============== Found URL parameter [exampleId] passed to secure (https) .....
I do some modification on inPlaceEditor to put exempleId and other field not on url parameter but on hidden form field :


<form class="inplaceeditor-form" method="post" id="exampleName_7-inplaceeditor"><input value="EXST_IN_DESIGN" name="statusId" type="hidden"><input value="10007" name="exampleId" type="hidden"><input class="editor_field" 
name="exampleName" size="40" type="text"><input class="editor_ok_button" value="ok" type="submit"> <input class="editor_cancel_button" value="cancel" type="submit"></form><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 153); display: none;" 
title="Click to edit" id="exampleName_7" class="tabletext false">e</span>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
ajaxInPlaceEditDisplayField('exampleName_7', '/example/control/updateExample', 
{paramName: 'exampleName', fieldName1: 'statusId', fieldValue1: 
'EXST_IN_DESIGN', fieldName2: 'exampleId', fieldValue2: '10007', cancelControl: 
'button', htmlResponse: false, savingText: 'Updating...', textBetweenControls: 
' ', updateAfterRequestCall: true, rows: '1', cols: '40'});

But when submission, the security problem already exists :( . Somebody can explain me how correct the problem, i don't understand really security URL and I have some difficult to create a good correction.



Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet : http://www.neogia.org/
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site : http://www.librenberry.net/

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