There was a lot of discussion a few months ago about replacing the framework.
That seems to have died down.

At the same time, we are talking about the documentation and in the documentation plan, the framework is mentioned as a separately marketable product.

To me, it is clear that one should not be promoting a framework that will be replaced.

If the framework is a separate product that can be delivered separately, it needs to be separated from the ERP and have a life of its own with clear documentation and a distribution that does not include a whole lot of seed data or bits and pieces that are not required.
The dependencies that are screwed up need to be fixed.

Now is the time to make a decision about the framework.
1- Going to replace it -> remove discussion about having a framework product from all documentation and web sites 2 - Going to muddle along with existing dependency structure and merged distribution -> remove from docs until ready to turn it into a product. 3 - Going to commit to framework as a product -> fix code and seed data to have a distribution for the framework, fix docs to clearly describe the framework and its use. I would prefer to see the framework as a separate sub-project with a technical team of people with expertise and interest in persistence, caching, performance, etc. supporting it and "marketing" it to other developers rather than keeping it mixed in with a product that is sold based on support for business process. (No surprise here).

There is no right or wrong answer but the current approach seems a bit muddled and negatively affects the project's ability to project a clear vision.

It would be nice if this decision was made soon so that we can get the documentation cleaned up.


Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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