here here.
This is my approach every time with a client. I find it helps them
understand their own business as well as how ofbiz can help.
I get their story of how they do business before implementing ofbiz.
We sometimes discuss how they do business now, before ofbiz could be
changed to help the bottom line.
I then link the functionality of ofbiz to their story, as a migration to
they can say we do this now and ofbiz will help this way in doing this.

When ofbiz does not do part of their story I show what can be done to
make ofbiz help in that part of the story.
and I keep the detailed steps to accomplish that in a separate project
manager software,linked to their story, for implementation should they
want that.

i can then hand the project task and story to a programmer to implement.

I have found it very successful.

A typical slice of a story is like
I open the door and go to my desk the first thing I usually do is check
emails for any major issues.
As I go get coffee I let the orders print out to review.
and so on.

Though this story is probably not quite what we want, it has the basic
to  pull a story like you suggest.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation 
<> <>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Jacopo Cappellato sent the following on 4/13/2010 12:34 AM:
> I would like to keep this conversation alive because I think it is an 
> important one.
> What do you think about the idea of creating and maintaining stories (*) that 
> have to be referenced in commit logs (ideally each and every commit log 
> should be associated to a story; the same story can be associated to several 
> commit logs) as a way to focus the attention of the community around 
> requirements behind commits?
> I think it would be a valuable approach to enable the community interaction 
> around requirements (instead of implementation as it is happening now) with 
> the final goal of:
> 1) documenting the high level requirements (stories) available implemented by 
> screens and artifacts in OFBiz
> 2) facilitate the participation in the growth of OFBiz of less technical 
> contributors (e.g. analysts)
> Jacopo
> (*) An example of story could be the following one:
> "Sales Orders are approved automatically when paid by credit card and CC 
> authorization is successful.
> Sales Orders are placed in Pending status approval after checkout then 
> auto-approve once third-party payment processor (PayPal, GoogleCheckout, etc) 
> sends notification.
> Sales Orders are placed in Rejected status when authorization fails.
> Once order is approved inventory is automatically reserved, reducing 
> Available To Promise (ATP) quantity. If inventory is not available negative 
> inventory reservations are created and the order is placed on back-order."
> Company sends confirmation email to the Placing Customer."
> On Apr 8, 2010, at 2:34 PM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>> This is an interesting comment. What we can d to improve this?
>> Here is a suggestion: from now on each and every commit to trunk will have 
>> to contain the reference to a (short) story that describes the context (i.e. 
>> generic business process) that the commit is enhancing.
>> This doesn't mean that there will be a story for each commit since several 
>> commits will share the same story; over time we will create a good set of 
>> stories and it will be easier, when a new story is added, to verify if it 
>> represents an alternative/redundant feature etc...
>> At the beginning there will be some overhead on the shoulders of committers, 
>> but if we are good at keeping the stories consistent this would also help 
>> the participation to non-tech guys.
>> The stories could stay in Confluence or (maybe better) in Jira (easier to 
>> associate commits to Jira tasks).
>> Jacopo
>> On Apr 8, 2010, at 12:50 AM, David E Jones wrote:
>>> This may or may not help this conversation, but to be clear I no longer 
>>> believe in the vision of a developer friendly community. Some good things 
>>> certainly come from the model of community over code and developers being 
>>> the most important part of a community, but my opinion these days is that e 
>>> problems trump the benefits.
>>> In an effort where there is a clear design with a written and accepted 
>>> specification this model seems to work fine. However when the project is 
>>> not simply implementing an established design what ensues is nothing short 
>>> of chaos and fighting over design with no clear targets or requirements to 
>>> help people make decisions.
>>> In short that is why I don't believe in this model for OFBiz. We have 
>>> problems with designs and not so much with implementation. Most of the 
>>> problems in the project are due to bad design (or no design other than 
>>> whatever the code happens to do) and no amount of good implementation can 
>>> fix that. With testing efforts this will only become more pronounced. 
>>> Testing efforts will reveal the lack of designs more and more,and while 
>>> writing tests some functionality gaps will certainly be filled in, but the 
>>> mind set of testing that includes trying all possibilities will result in 
>>> enormous scope creep to add to the already staggering amount of unused 
>>> code. Actually I'm wrong in using the term scope creep because that would 
>>> imply that some sort of scope had been established before.
>>> I mentioned some stuff about a better approach, or better priorities, in 
>>> another email where I wrote a little about the NUMMI car plant as an 
>>> interesting example of a possibly better way to go. Maybe it was silly to 
>>> think it would ever work well this way and you can't get around 
>>> prioritizing users over developers and code quality and good design over 
>>> developers.
>>> -David

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