Hi All,

First of all I would like to thank all contributors who submitted a talk
for the event. And of course all those who considered submitting one but
could fit it their schedule. For those I say: No worries, there will always
be a next event.
The future is looking bright. Since I started building the track for
ApacheCon 2012 in Sinsheim, Germany we have seen not only a steady increase
in absolute numbers of talks, but also see a stand fast distribution
amongst the key areas of Adoption/Applicability,  Community and
Development. We came from nothing and in this third year of succession we
reached a new high of 14 talks submitted by various OFBiz contributors.
Potentially a full 2 day track...

Currently we have reviewed and advised the organisers to accept all 14
talks. Of those 14 we have considered 3 of them to be more suitable outside
of the OFBiz track (2 being to generic in nature, 1 also being applicable
in another track).

Of the 11 remaining we have one being about the state of the project,
several talks dealing with improving the adoption from a development
perspective (raging from quick starting development via improving UX
experience to extending OFBiz with new features), a few targeting
implementation/operational aspects and a few targeting potential adopters
in industry sectors (ISP/Professional Services).

All in all quite a diversity of talks addressing the multitude of aspects
that OFBiz encompasses.

>From now on it is in the hands of the organisers. They have the final say
in how many talk (and which of course) do get on the roster of the event
and when. Of course we will be available to them for feedback/insights when
issues and/or questions regarding the track arise.

Of course we'll keep you posted how things progress from here, but as we
now are on the brink of the next phase (marketing the track), we could use
some assistance on creating (electronic) banners/posters/flyers to drive a
great attendance. So if you have any suggestions or can help in any way
regarding this, please send a reply to this thread.

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

*ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>*
Services & Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail & Trade

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