Hi Deepak,

You are right about the options. 
Wasn't aware I can set js from non-common screens.
Thanks for pointing out.


On 2020/05/07 03:14:46, Deepak Dixit <dee...@apache.org> wrote: 
> Hi James,
> We can achieve this using a decorator pattern, we can set the screen level
> js file on screen and can be included in the header.
> Am I missing something here?
> Thanks & Regards
> --
> Deepak Dixit
> ofbiz.apache.org
> On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 10:03 PM James Yong <jamesy...@apache.org> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > There are javascript files that only applies to a specific screen.
> > While the javascript can be added via ftl templates, the Content Security
> > Policy will need to be relaxed to allow inline scripts.
> > Using requireJs is not an appropriate solution as there is little
> > reusability between different screens.
> >
> > Propose a new <html-script> widget tag will add a script tag inside html
> > head tag, or after body tag.
> > e.g.
> > <platform-specific>
> >         <html>
> >                 <html-script src=“/ordermgr/js/test.js” placement=“head”/>
> >
> > will render as:
> > <html>
> >         <head>
> >         …
> >                 <script src=“/ordermgr/js/test.js”
> > type="application/javascript"/>
> >         </head>
> >
> > Regards,
> > James
> >

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