Hi Valerie,

In my experience we tend to take the files that we modify for a specific
project and put them into version control. This includes any config files
that we needed to change, code changes, and various other things (PGE
templates, etc.). Often times we replicate the component structure to make
our lives easier. So if the config for the resource manager is in
/resmgr/policy we would have a /resmgr/policy folder in our project VCS and
put the modified config there.

-- Joyce

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 11:46 AM, Mallder, Valerie <
valerie.mall...@jhuapl.edu> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am looking for some advice, so please respond if you have ideas on this
> topic.
> Assuming you are using OODT, or developing OODT, to support a totally
> different project that you are working on in your day job, how do you
> manage all of your OODT files vs. all of your project-specific files?  I am
> looking for real-life examples of how people are configuration managing
> their files.
> I am using the deployed RADiX Archetype, which suggests that I keep my
> project specific files in an 'oodt/extensions' directory.  However, I have
> also made changes to some OODT configuration and policy files such as
> workflow/policy/tasks.xml and workflow/policy/events.xml, etc.
> If I wanted to upgrade to a new version of the RADiX Archetype and deploy
> a new release of the RADiX Archetype over top of my current version, then
> all of my changes to the tasks.xml and events.xml files would be lost.
> What is your favorite way of managing your OODT installations so that
> changes you have made to the configuration  files and policy files located
> in each OODT application's directory tree are not overwritten?  (Ideally, I
> wish I could keep all of my project-specific and changed files outside of
> the each OODT application directory tree, but it doesn't sound like anyone
> does this.)
> Thanks,
> Val
> P.S. I have managed large software systems before, but they were different
> from OODT in that
> Valerie A. Mallder
> New Horizons Deputy Mission System Engineer
> The Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
> 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd (MS 23-282), Laurel, MD 20723
> 240-228-7846 (Office) 410-504-2233 (Blackberry)

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