Begin forwarded message:

> From: Ulrich Stärk <>
> Date: March 4, 2012 9:01:07 AM PST
> To: "" <>
> Cc: "" <>
> Subject: Google Summer of Code 2012 upcoming
> Reply-To: "" <>
> Hello PMCs,
> Google Summer of Code is the ideal opportunity for you to attract new
> contributors to your projects.
> If you want to participate with your project you NOW need to
> - understand what it means to be a mentor [1]
> - propose your project ideas. Just label your issues with gsoc2012 in JIRA and
>  they will show up at [2]. See also [1].
> - subscribe to (restricted to potential mentors, meant 
> to be used
>  as a private list - general discussions on the public
> list as much as possible please)
> The ASF will apply as a participating organization with GSoC, your project
> doesn't need to do that. See [3] for more information. Note that the ASF isn't
> accepted yet, nevertheless you *really* should start recording your ideas now.
> Last year we had 38 students completing GSoC successfully, some of which are
> now active contributors to the projects they worked on. Let's make this a
> success again this year!
> On behalf of the GSoC 2012 admins,
> Uli
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Phone: +1 (818) 354-8810
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

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