Every Maven artifact created with `mvn clean install` is being installed
into local maven repo
The build was OK due to openmeetings-flashjar was taken from local repo
This is why you have `rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/openmeetings` in
your steps
build server also have local repo
Dear Maxim,
Thank you for the insight into creating SWF binaries. That is, replacing
OpenLaszlo compiler with Apache Maven Flex plugin.
One last question to help me learn how to contribute code in the future:
If pom.xml (om-server/, om-parent/) did not have updated dependencies (type
swf) ma
recently I have changed packaging for openmeetings-flash project:
This was done to remove openlaszlo code completely and use Apache Flex
maven plugin to build swfs
Unfortunately I forgot to update dependencies for ope
Dear Maxim,
Just to learn and be able to contribute in the future, could you help me
understand what did the following do to solve the issue that was missing
Openmeetings-server/pom.xml@357 swf
Openmeetings-parent/pom.xml@607 swf
Thank you.
Hemant K. Saba
Should be fixed in the next build
Thanks for reporting!
On Sun, Nov 19, 2017 at 2:34 PM, Coscend@OM wrote:
> Dear Maxim,
> JDK 1.8
> CentOS 7.1
> Maven 3.3.9
> Download Build #84
> tar -zxvf apache-openmeetings-4.0.1-SNAPSHOT-src.tar.gz
> rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/openmeetings
> m