Dear Alexei,
no, I do not use a proxy as I'm just developing on my local computer.

*Dr.-Ing. Rene' Rosenbaum
meeCoda*  IT-Consulting and Services
 ~: Neue Reihe 15, 18182 Goorstorf, Germany
 #: ++49-(0)-1781408041  <>
//  <>
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

On 3/12/2013 6:29 PM, Alexei Fedotov wrote:
Hi Rene,
Do you use proxy? Proxy cache also have to be cleaned.

With best regards / с наилучшими пожеланиями,
Alexei Fedotov / Алексей Федотов,
+7 916 562 8095

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 5:39 PM, Rene' Rosenbaum <> wrote:
Dear all,
while developing, I have a pretty annoying problem with caching by either
the build system or the browser. What I'm currently doing is Flash
development via OpenLaszlo. I came across the problem while trying to change
a resource / an icon. What I did was just to replace the source image by
another image. Then, I shutdown red5 and built the project using
"-compile.flash". Then, I restarted red5 and reloaded the web browser
(Chrome) currently showing some OM page. Logged in again to OM just to found
out that the icon stayed the same.

What I already tried:
- full re-build via "dist" option
- Clearing browser cache (via Chromes tools sub menue)
- Clearing cache via Flash menue

This all didn't work! First thought it was my fault, but deploying,
building, and displaying exactly the same sources/code on another system
shows the new icon image.
Now I'm pretty much stuck and don't know what to do. Problem has to be
solved to meaningfully develop. This must be a common problem (oh yeah,
forgot to mention: I'm developing under Windows) and solved by someone
before. How you guys are dealing with caching while developing OpenLaszlo
Any help is highly appreciated!!!

*Dr.-Ing. Rene' Rosenbaum
meeCoda*  IT-Consulting and Services
  ~: Neue Reihe 15, 18182 Goorstorf, Germany
  #: ++49-(0)-1781408041  <>
//  <>
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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