The grant of license (below) applies to all of my contributions 
to ASF projects beyond the provisions of the Contributor License
Agreement that I have entered into with The Apache Software 

The purpose is to make my contributions equally available beyond
the Apache Project to which I make the contribution.  The contri-
butions are licensed, by the grant below, to anyone who chooses
to make use of them, whether another Apache Project, a non-Apache
Project using Alv2, and other projects that choose to rely on
the grant.

It is my intention that my contributions to the Apache OpenOffice
project be available to The Document Foundation under these terms.

The license makes no stipulations one way or the other concerning
works of mine that are not contributions to LibreOffice.  The
license does not transfer copyright nor does it assign patents.

A complementary grant has been made with respect to my contribu-
tions to the LibreOffice project. 

 - Dennis

Hash: SHA1

GrantASF 1.00               UTF-8              dh:2013-03-08

                      GRANT OF LICENSE

All of my past and future contributions to Projects of The
Apache Software Foundation (ASF) are made with the following
stipulations beyond those of my Contributor License
Agreement with ASF:

 1. I hereby grant to all parties obtaining my ASF contribu-
tions a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,
royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce,
combine, prepare derivative works of, publicly display,
publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the contribu-
tions and such derivative works.

 2. I hereby grant to all parties obtaining my ASF contri-
butions a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,
royalty-free, irrevocable patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer
works employing my contributions or derivatives thereof,
with such license applying only to those claims controlled
by myself, now or in the future, that are necessarily
infringed due to characteristics of my ASF contributions
and such of those that survive in derivatives.

I represent that I am legally entitled to grant the above
licenses and make those contributions that I offer to
ASF projects.

  March 8, 2013

  Dennis E. Hamilton
  4401 44th Ave SW
  Seattle, WA 98116 USA
  PGP Fingerprint
  169F 4BC4 3C47 18B2 7062 E04C B011 4B87 2E94 D8E4

Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


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