Hello Eike,
I have put the OT flag, because my answer does no longer match the
initial subject
Le 2 nov. 08 à 12:22, Eike Rathke a écrit :
See http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?
Sure, I read it, but my concern is about code core developers. What
Hi Cynthia,
In message "[dev] Need Help, Problem on building with MinGW.",
Cynthia Qu wrote...
>I have met some problems when I am building OOo_SRC680_m247 with MinGW on
>Windows XP.
I just want to compile with mingw now.
>I got the information here:
Hi eric,
On Thursday, 2008-10-30 13:25:19 +0100, eric b wrote:
> Just a question : what does mean Developer for you exactly ?
> Looking at your map, I didn't found too much of people who commited
> anything, and I seriously doubt this is a correct description of the
> OpenOffice.org develop
Hi André,
On Thursday, 2008-10-30 12:57:01 +0100, André Schnabel wrote:
> http://www.frappr.com/ooodev/map
> This has many of our developers and contributors.SOmewith short
> statements what they do here in the project. (Unfortunately most of the
> recent entries are spam)
Cleaned that up