
Nominations are now open for candidates for the Community Contributor Representative (CCR) to the Community Council. Nominations will commence immediately, today, 10 June 2005 and last for one week, ending 17 June 2005.

* What is the CCR? He or she is the at-large community representative to the Council, which is OOo's governing body. The Council (also called CC) sets policy, resolves disputes, and so on. The CCR would ideally present issues to the CC that the community at large finds important, as well as otherwise help the community get its voice heard by the Council. The term is for 6 months (more or less) and there is not that much work required, no more than a few hours a month, mostly for IRC meetings and e-mail discussions.

* Who is eligible? Any registered member of who has demonstrated a commitment to the project and is known by the community but is not an Accepted Projects lead or co-lead. (Accepted Projects are those listed at < accepted.html>). A good candidate would be someone who can advocate on behalf of endusers but who is also (at least minimally) informed of the technical and logistical issues involved in producing

The position can be interesting and even fun. Meetings are seldom boring and you do get an insight into how OOo is governed. There are a lot of policy issues coming up and this is your chance to affect their outcome.

* How do we proceed? The charter creating the Council is fairly clear. (See The various project leads select 2-3 candidates from the names submitted by the community. The candidates are then voted on by the community. "Community" means registered members.

Here are the groundrules for the process:

* It's a two-week, three-step process.

• Seven days to obtain nominations from the community, three (or so) days for the leads to select candidates, four days for voting on the candidates. Voting will be done via the Web.

* All nominees must be registered OOo members.

* You may nominate yourself.

* No campaigning. If you are not already known by the community, then you probably ought not to consider standing for election.

* Send a brief (75 word) abstract stating who you are and what you do for OOo to [EMAIL PROTECTED] After discussion by the project leads, we will post the ones selected to the Council homepage (<>) and post notices to,,,, [EMAIL PROTECTED], and [EMAIL PROTECTED], and ask that all Project Leads inform their communities of the election.

* If elected, congratulations! :-) The next Council meeting will be held in July. After that we will try to adhere to a fortnightly (once every two weeks) schedule.


PS Note that this is but one of several other elections being run concurrently.

Louis Suarez-Potts
Community Manager

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