Am Thu, 29 Jul 2010 17:01:27 -0400
schrieb Billy Noel <>:

>     I have many years of coding experience in Java & C++ and I am an
> avid Linux/Unix user. I have always depended on OpenOffice for my
> document needs. I live out of hotels doing engineering contract work
> around the country. I would be interested in donating my time to help
> and try and repay by improving on the baseline products or even new
> features. Question is where would I be best suited to help?

Welcome Billy,

it depends on your interests. Good entry points are:

* extension development
* finding the root cause of bugs and providing patches

Extension development helps you to get known with the API without
having to deal with all the scary implementation details. It will make
it easier to understand the core of OOo itself, if you want to dig
deeper later ...

When you are interested in directly helping the developing of OOo
itself, see the development link above and try your first own OOo
build. Then you might consider fixing a few bugs to get a feel for the
codebase of the apps you find interesting. If there are any issues dont
hesitate to ask either here or on on freenode (IRC).

Best Regards,

Bjoern Michaelsen

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