Dear OOo community,

everyone who wants to attend the OOoCon in Beijing November 5th to 7th 2008, please read this completely and carefully. Others can stop reading here. Please excuse the wide cross-posting, but I have to make sure everyone is getting my message.

This years' Conference is a special challenge for the organizational team, because we have to help about 200 (maybe more) OOo contributors from all over the globe to enter China with an appropriate visa and care about their accommodation by booking affordable hotel rooms. For this reason we want to kindly remind you, that we cannot accomplish our mission successfully, if anyone comes at us last minute. Consequently, we have to set deadlines for the availability of our help offers. Please visit the OOoCon website ASAP and complete your registration:

One note, we prefer early registrations over providing accurate travel dates etc.

We cannot guarantee to successfully complete the paperwork for your business visa, if your registrations is completed later than September 21st. After this date, you may still be able to help yourself, by applying for a tourist visa. Nonetheless, please help our team members by acting *NOW*. Wang Shanshan aka Phoebe and Feng Bingbing aka Flora are spending an enormous effort to help potential OOoCon attendees. They are sending emails to anyone who completed the registration, but they are getting frustrated and worried right now. The reason is, that not too many people are replying to them. Please be so kind to answer their mails ASAP. It doesn't matter if you do not know your exact travel dates right now, even if your attendance is not 100% sure yet, but it's very important to get in touch with Phoebe and Flora in order to issue an invitation letter for you. This can be started right now for everyone, uncertainties about your travel plans can be clarified later. If you do not need the help of our team, just send an according reply.

If you need our help for a hotel reservation, please complete the OOoCon registration latest by September 26. After this date, we will not be able to guarantee the discounted prices for hotel rooms, please refer:
The normal hotel prices are more than double of our offers.

After your registration, it will take several days for us to get in touch with you. If we did not get in touch with you in the week after you have completed your registration, please feel free to send me an email at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. I am sure, I will get several of those requests because I can already see a number of invalid email addresses being submitted to the database. I takes only minutes to complete the registration, please do it carefully.

Best regards,

Peter Junge Annual Conference
Beijing 2008
Organizational Team

I want *YOU* to come to Beijing!

Please help us and register *NOW* for the OOoCon 2008:

OOoCon website:

Conference Program:

Visa information:

Travel information:

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