add an auto save function to open office
an auto save function would allow open office to 
save an item in multiple places simultaniouslywith only one save by user
could be set as an option in a save to options menu
the ability to save to multiple drives simultaniously in the portable app or u3 
version would
dramatically increase usage and users as well as supporters
a simple pathway could be saved in the auto save menu and  automatically all 
saved docs would go there and if the pathway was invalid it could alert the 
user (an option to not alert might go here) or it could simply save to any 
other file save pathways and not to those unavailable
students who are at school at home and on many different computers could save 
to flash drive as primary and to school-personal drive as secondary and to home 
drive as teritiary
this might be best as an extention for newer versions and could help a lot of 
people convert to your software 
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