
I was about to import the European part of the OSM planet file into a
PostGIS database, and after about 3 days of processing I ended up with
the following error:

COPY_END for planet_osm_point failed: SSL error: sslv3 alert unexpected

Error occurred, cleaning up

and an empty database :(

what could have I done wrong?

I'm using a osm2pgsql compiled from the current subversion source, svn
revision 28407:

$ osm2pgsql --version
osm2pgsql SVN version 0.80.0 (32bit id space)

I started to import the europe.osm.bz2 file I just downloaded into an
empty PostGIS 1.5 (PostgreSQL 9.1) database on Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit. the
command I used for the import was:

/usr/local/bin/osm2pgsql -d osm -U osm -W -H localhost -S
/usr/local/share/osm2pgsql/default.style -G -v -m -s -k -K -C 2048

please fine the complete console log at the end of this e-mail.

I wonder what should be done for the import to complete successfully.


PS: the complete console log:

$ /usr/local/bin/osm2pgsql -d osm -U osm -W -H localhost -S
/usr/local/share/osm2pgsql/default.style -G -v -m -s -k -K -C 2048
osm2pgsql SVN version 0.80.0 (32bit id space)

Using projection SRS 900913 (Spherical Mercator)
Setting up table: planet_osm_point
NOTICE:  table "planet_osm_point" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  table "planet_osm_point_tmp" does not exist, skipping
Setting up table: planet_osm_line
NOTICE:  table "planet_osm_line" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  table "planet_osm_line_tmp" does not exist, skipping
Setting up table: planet_osm_polygon
NOTICE:  table "planet_osm_polygon" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  table "planet_osm_polygon_tmp" does not exist, skipping
Setting up table: planet_osm_roads
NOTICE:  table "planet_osm_roads" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  table "planet_osm_roads_tmp" does not exist, skipping
Allocating memory for dense node cache
Allocating dense node cache in one big chunk
Allocating memory for sparse node cache
Sharing dense sparse
Node-cache: cache=2048MB, maxblocks=262145*8192, allocation method=11
Mid: pgsql, scale=100 cache=2048
Setting up table: planet_osm_nodes
NOTICE:  table "planet_osm_nodes" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
"planet_osm_nodes_pkey" for table "planet_osm_nodes"
Setting up table: planet_osm_ways
NOTICE:  table "planet_osm_ways" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
"planet_osm_ways_pkey" for table "planet_osm_ways"
Setting up table: planet_osm_rels
NOTICE:  table "planet_osm_rels" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
"planet_osm_rels_pkey" for table "planet_osm_rels"

Reading in file: europe-120525.osm.bz2
Processing: Node(683806k 116.6k/s) Way(19035k 0.34k/s) Relation(0 0.00/s)

Processing: Node(683806k 116.6k/s) Way(82544k 0.71k/s) Relation(434180
Standard exception processing way_id 1082366: TopologyException: side
location conflict at 822832 8.30585e+06
Processing: Node(683806k 116.6k/s) Way(82544k 0.71k/s) Relation(812580
Standard exception processing way_id 1792031: TopologyException: side
location conflict at -734926 5.24355e+06
Processing: Node(683806k 116.6k/s) Way(82544k 0.71k/s) Relation(851720
Standard exception processing way_id 1868906: TopologyException: side
location conflict at 1.22428e+06 5.69149e+06
Processing: Node(683806k 116.6k/s) Way(82544k 0.71k/s) Relation(977178
10.83/s)  parse time: 212482s

Node stats: total(683806262), max(1700004322) in 5864s
Way stats: total(82544343), max(157747584) in 116394s
Relation stats: total(977178), max(2109249) in 90224s
COPY_END for planet_osm_point failed: SSL error: sslv3 alert unexpected

Error occurred, cleaning up

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