
Of course tile providers do not want you to bulk download tiles. Tiles
are not static images, but generated on every request, which places a
load on CPU and disk drives. Simply displaying a map in web browsers
is bearable, because number of tiles requested is low. What you want
is around 7-10 million of tiles. It is a lot. Too much for any server.
You want to overload some server for days just for providing free
tiles. Please do not do this. It's sometimes acceptable to download
~1-3 thousand tiles at maximum, but no more. For your case there are
two options:

* you build tile server yourself and generate tiles needed (be warned,
it's tens of gigabytes);
* you pay some company (e.g. MapBox or Geofabrik) to do that for you.

I did not hear of anyone providing tiles in archives for bulk downloading,
if that's what you had in mind.


> Thank you for the response. I do have a offline tiles server on
> windows, I was just wondering if there was an easier way to download
> all the tiles of a big area for someone who does not want to install a tiles 
> server.

> I didn't find any tiles provider in the list that allow you to
> download all the tiles from a large area. Everything seems to be online.

>> Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 16:58:01 +0400
>> From: zve...@textual.ru
>> To: dev@openstreetmap.org
>> CC: scream...@hotmail.com
>> Subject: Re: Tiles provider
>> Vince Berubey:
>> > Hi,To download the tiles from level 0 to 17 from a US state, is the
>> > only option to have an offline tiles server? Is there a company
>> > allowing you to do bulk downloading of tiles?
>> The best option in my opinion is installing postgresql and mapnik on a
>> local machine, and then generating tiles locally. That's what I have
>> done last weekend instead of downloading tiles for zooms 14-15, and it
>> turned out to be much easier that it looks. I've documented steps


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