Hello OSM Developers!

I am brand new to this list and am a new OSM developer.  My company is the
developer of PlaceMaker for SketchUp which imports OSM data into SketchUp.
I posted this same message on the forums but it was suggested that I post
to this list to reach more developer feedback.

We are developing a new OSM editor for SketchUp users called SketchOSM.
 (More info to be released very soon!  )

We are planning to use DigitalGlobe imagery for tracing.  We have an
existing relationship with DigitalGlobe and when I asked them if we could
use the OSM DG license (i.e. same access token used by iD and other
editors) in our application, this was the response from DigitalGlobe:

*Great question. This would be supported under the terms of our OSM
license, as long as the tool is used to generate features back to OSM (as
an editor).The tricky part is the tokens - you must use the same tokens as
we publicly release to OSM iD.  We update OSM tokens on a random basis to
one place: OSM iD. It is the responsibility of any/all developers who use
OSM editors to determine when those tokens are added to the iD application
and replace inside their own editing applications – not DigitalGlobe's.*

So my question here is:
How do I get access to the iD DigitalGlobe tokens and how can I be notified
when they get updated?

Thank you!
dev mailing list

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