Hi Folks,
I thought I had better update you on where we have got to with this year's
Google Summer of Code.

OSM Received 27 applications and were allocated 6 student places.
The mentors reviewed the proposals to select the 6 students that have been
accepted - I would like to thank Rajan Vaish and Artem Dudarev for taking
the lead in the final decision when I was stuck abroad and could not

The successful students are:

   -  Stephen Brown (OpenSatNav Improvements)
   -   Mitja Kleider (Points of Interest Search and Presentation)
   -   Michael Danes (Simplified Map Editor for New Users)
   -   Pawel Niechoda (Android POI Collector)
   -   Lukas Kabrt (Time Travel Analysis)
   -   Waldemar Quevedo (Easy Printable Maps)

I would like to congratulate them on their successful applications!

Each project has a wiki page linked from
which identifies the project goals, the student and their mentor, and will
include include progress updates as the programme progresses.  Please have a
look and contact the student and mentor if you have any comments on their

We will post updates every few weeks to keep you informed on the students'
progress towards their goals.

In addition to the GSoC projects, there were a number of good student
proposals that we could not accept for GSoC places - we are hoping that they
will be able to contribute to OSM by working on their projects in their
spare time.



Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
email: grahamjones...@gmail.com
dev mailing list

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