I have just released version 0.1.2 of the Ruby OSM library. There is now
support for accessing the OSM API and the Name Finder and many bug fixes
and smaller changes.

Project web site: http://osmlib.rubyforge.org/

There are some interface changes, so if you have used osmlib before, you
might have to change some things. Osmlib needs the current libxml-ruby
libary (which you can install as gem), the one in Debian doesn't work!

* Basic OSM objects: Node, Way, Relation, Tags, ...
* Reading and writing of OSM XML files.
* Reading objects, history, etc. from OSM web API (no write support yet)
* Exporting OSM data into KML, CSV, Shapefiles and preliminary support
  for export into GPX files
* Writing OSM data into a sqlite database and vice versa
* Access to Name Finder web service

Jochen Topf  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.remote.org/jochen/  +49-721-388298

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