[RESULT] [VOTE] Release geronimo-jcdi_1.0_spec-1.0-beta - RC3

2010-02-13 Thread Donald Woods
Vote passes with three +1 votes: Donald Woods, Rick McGuire, Kevan Miller There were no 0 or -1 votes. -Donald On 2/9/10 10:11 PM, Donald Woods wrote: > To support the upcoming OpenWebBeans milestone release, I would like to > release candidate 3 of a Beta of the Java Contexts and Dependency

[VOTE] Release geronimo-jcdi_1.0_spec-1.0-beta - RC3

2010-02-09 Thread Donald Woods
To support the upcoming OpenWebBeans milestone release, I would like to release candidate 3 of a Beta of the Java Contexts and Dependency Injection (JCDI) JSR-299 Spec API. Note: This release depends upon 3 other votes in progress: geronimo-el_2.2_spec-1.0-beta geronimo-atinject_1.0_spec-

Re: [VOTE] Release geronimo-jcdi_1.0_spec-1.0-beta - RC2 - canceled

2010-02-09 Thread Donald Woods
Seems that the tag is somehow missing the changes from r907919 and 907920 (upgrade to el_2.2-1.0-beta), even though the tag was created as r907921 using the maven release plugin Will spin a RC3 tonight to fix the tag. -Donald On 2/8/10 11:00 PM, Donald Woods wrote: > To support the upcomin

Re: [VOTE] Release geronimo-jcdi_1.0_spec-1.0-beta - RC2

2010-02-09 Thread Kevan Miller
Donald, Many thanks for cranking out these specs! Here's my +1 I verified source, signatures/checksum, and build. All looked good. --kevan On Feb 8, 2010, at 11:00 PM, Donald Woods wrote: > To support the upcoming OpenWebBeans milestone release, I would like to > release candidate 2 of a Beta

Re: [VOTE] Release geronimo-jcdi_1.0_spec-1.0-beta - RC2

2010-02-08 Thread Donald Woods
+1 Passes mvn rat:check Was able to build from source tag. No TCK testing performed. -Donald On 2/8/10 11:00 PM, Donald Woods wrote: > To support the upcoming OpenWebBeans milestone release, I would like to > release candidate 2 of a Beta of the Java Contexts and Dependency > Injection (JCDI) J

[VOTE] Release geronimo-jcdi_1.0_spec-1.0-beta - RC2

2010-02-08 Thread Donald Woods
To support the upcoming OpenWebBeans milestone release, I would like to release candidate 2 of a Beta of the Java Contexts and Dependency Injection (JCDI) JSR-299 Spec API. Note: This release depends upon 3 other votes in progress: geronimo-el_2.2_spec-1.0-beta geronimo-atinject_1.0_spec-

[VOTE] Release geronimo-jcdi_1.0_spec-1.0-beta

2010-02-03 Thread Donald Woods
To support the upcoming OpenWebBeans milestone release, I would like to release a Beta of the Java Contexts and Dependency Injection (JCDI) JSR-299 Spec API. Note: This release depends upon 3 other votes in progress: geronimo-el_1.0_spec-1.0.2 geronimo-atinject_1.0_spec-1.0-beta geron