Hi everyone,
Have a general verification question to ask about conversion with respect
to Avro and ORC.

I'm running comparisons for my Avro to ORC data and wanted to check to see
if this translation makes sense when comparing timestamp values.


*ORC:*"timestampMillisField":"2477-02-01 22:00:34.472",
"timestampMicrosField":"2020-09-16 17:50:36.223472"

I run manual conversion such that I take the timestamp values and fill the
TS column vectors into time and nanos. The data is good, but one is
represented in epoch (avro) and timestamp format (orc). The reason I bring
this up as a question is I am unable to union these values in Hive since
the data types are technically different. Just curious if there are
thoughts on this or if I'm doing something wrong.

Ryan Schachte

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