<h3><u>#general</u></h3><br><strong>@tim780: </strong>@tim780 has joined the 
channel<br><strong>@oliver.bauer: </strong>@oliver.bauer has joined the 
channel<br><strong>@kennybastani: </strong>@kennybastani set the channel topic: 
Please use <#C011C9JHN7R|troubleshooting> for support and favorite us on GitHub 
to show us support 
 </strong>Reminder to vote on 
 </strong>Curious: Are there any plans of introducing per doc 
TTL?<br><strong>@sandeep.gainda: </strong>@sandeep.gainda has joined the 
channel<br><strong>@tingchen: </strong>I just send out a voting email for the 
0.5.0 release to general@incubating: 
Please take a look and vote (on the email sent under 
<mailto:tingc...@apache.org|tingc...@apache.org>). Thank 
you.<br><h3><u>#random</u></h3><br><strong>@tim780: </strong>@tim780 has joined 
the channel<br><strong>@oliver.bauer: </strong>@oliver.bauer has joined the 
channel<br><strong>@sandeep.gainda: </strong>@sandeep.gainda has joined the 
</strong>@oliver.bauer has joined the 
</strong>@mailtobuchi has joined the channel<br><strong>@mailtobuchi: 
</strong>Huh.. Seems like the message history in this channel is lost. Is this 
archived somewhere by any chance? I’m interested in knowing more about the 
minion usage and its stability.<br><strong>@mailtobuchi: </strong>any design 
docs or wiki is fine too<br><strong>@npawar: </strong>@jackie.jxt ^^ any design 
doc you can share about minion?<br><strong>@jackie.jxt: </strong>@mailtobuchi 
Are you planning to implement some customized task for 
minion?<br><strong>@jackie.jxt: </strong>AFAIK it is only used in LinkedIn 
right now to help purge records for GDPR compliance. It is quite stable and is 
powering the production use cases.<br><strong>@jackie.jxt: </strong>FYI, that 
part of the code is not open-sourced because it integrates with the LinkedIn 
internal services.<br><strong>@jackie.jxt: </strong>You may refer to this test 
`SimpleMinionClusterIntegrationTest` to understand how to add new task for 
minion.<br><strong>@mailtobuchi: </strong>Yes @jackie.jxt The use case is 
almost like I want to purge data based on the value of a 
column.<br><strong>@jackie.jxt: </strong>Oh, actually we have the executor 
open-sourced: `PurgeTaskExecutor`<br><strong>@jackie.jxt: </strong>Where you 
can register your own `RecordPurgerFactory`<br><strong>@jackie.jxt: 
</strong>Unfortunately we don't have doc on this part yet. We can try to make 
it work, then use it as an example to add the doc, or make a 
post<br><h3><u>#pinot-dev</u></h3><br><strong>@tingchen: </strong>I just send 
out a voting email for the 0.5.0 release to general@incubating: 
 </strong>Please take a look and vote. Thank you. 
</strong>@tingchen when is version 0.5.0 is scheduled to 
release?<br><strong>@tingchen: </strong>About 1 week if the voting results are 
good. 0.5.0 now is under dev voting (1 days left) and then it will go through 
apache voting. After that we can release it.<br><strong>@tingchen: </strong>The 
dev voting passed and now closed. Thanks for everyone who 
voted.<br><strong>@tingchen: </strong>just sent out the incubating community 

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