I think it makes sense to get the 2.0.1 release out and then target 2.1.

If 2.0.1 escapes into the wild with bugs that need fixing, we can push
out a 2.0.2 release to do so, but otherwise think 2.1 is fine for the
next release number.  (Unless there is some conflicting Pivot/ASF
numbering policy that I am not aware of)

Therefore I would be happy to move any outstanding 2.0.x JIRA tickets
to 2.1 when 2.0.1 is released.

On 13 August 2011 07:32, Sandro Martini <sandro.mart...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> in last weeks we exchanged many mails on the need to release soon the (much
> awaited) 2.0.1 and now thanks to the work of all us, we are near to release
> it, finally !!
> The point I'd like to discuss with others is this:
> in the 2.0.x line we have many tickets, probably some could be moved to 2.1
> to not delay too much the start of developments on 2.1 , right ?
> So we could start by fixing remaining (real and backward compatible) issues
> now and see in some weeks (after the release of 2.0.1) if needed a 2.0.2
> from sources in trunk, or if use it for 2.1 (copying 2.0.1 in a 2.0.x
> maintenance branch, but only after some weeks) ?
> All this because issues for 2.0.x are even for 2.1, but double merge are
> time consuming, and we have few time (at least me).
> I hope to be clear in my description :-) ...
> Comments are highly appreciated, by all, even not only Pivot developers ...
> Bye

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