oh, nm I found it. Pasted below, there were no dissenters to Donald’s detailed 

On Sep 29, 2017, at 3:27 PM, Pat Ferrel <p...@occamsmachete.com> wrote:

Actually we did go over the maturity checklist ourselves. Donald, maybe you can 
forwards the thread here.

================ pasted from the thread on 
<mailto:dev@predictionio.incubator.apache.org> ==================

Begin forwarded message:

From: Donald Szeto <don...@apache.org>
Subject: Re: Graduation to TLP
Date: September 5, 2017 at 10:32:08 AM PDT
To: dev@predictionio.incubator.apache.org
Reply-To: dev@predictionio.incubator.apache.org

Thanks for the clarification Pat! It always help to have Apache veterans to
provide historical context to these processes.

As for me, I'd like to remain as PMC and committer.

I like the idea of polling the current committers and PMC, but like you
said, most of them got pretty busy and may not be reading mailing list in a
while. Maybe let me try a shout out here and see if anyone would
acknowledge it, so that we know whether a poll will be effective.

*>> If you're a PMC or committer who see this line but hasn't been replying
this thread, please acknowledge. <<*

Regarding the maturity model, this is my perception right now:
- CD10, CD20, CD30, CD40 (and we start to have CD50 as well)
- LC10, LC20, LC30, LC40, LC50
- RE10, RE20, RE30, RE50 (I think we hope to also do RE40 with 0.12)
- QU10, QU30, QU40, QU50 (we should put a bit of focus to QU20)
- CO10, CO20, CO30, CO40, CO60, CO70 (for CO50, I think we've been
operating under the assumption that PMC and contributors are pretty
standard definitions by ASF. We can call those out explicitly.)
- CS10, CS50 (We are also assuming implicitly CS20, CS30, and CS40 from
main ASF doc)
- IN10, IN20

Let me know what you think.

On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 10:32 AM, Pat Ferrel <p...@occamsmachete.com 
<mailto:p...@occamsmachete.com>> wrote:

> The Chair, PMC, and Committers may be different after graduation.
> PMC/committers are sometimes not active committers but can have a valuable
> role as mentors, in non-technical roles, as support people on the mailing
> list, or as sometimes committers who don’t seem very active but come in
> every so often to make a key contribution. So I hope this doesn’t become a
> time to prune too deeply. I’d suggest we only do that if one of the
> committers has done something to lessen our project maturity or wants to be
> left out for their own reasons. An example of bad behavior is someone
> trying to exert corporate dominance (which is severely frowned on by the
> ASF). Another would be someone who is disruptive to the point of destroying
> team effectiveness. I personally haven’t seen any of this but purposely
> don’t read everything so chime in here.
> It would be good to have people declare their interest-level. As for me,
> I’d like to remain on the PMC as a committer but have no interest in Chair.
> Since people can become busy periodically and not read @dev (me?) we could,
> maybe should, poll the current committers and PMC to get the lists ready
> for the graduation proposal.
> Don’t forget that we are not just asking for dev community opinion about
> graduation. We are also asking that people check things like the Maturity
> Checklist to see it we are ready. http://community.apache.org/
> apache-way/apache-project-maturity-model.html <
> http://community.apache.org/apache-way/apache-project-maturity-model.html 
> <http://community.apache.org/apache-way/apache-project-maturity-model.html>>
> People seem fairly enthusiastic about applying for graduation, but are
> there things we need to do before hand? The goal is to show that we do not
> require the second level check for decisions that the IPMC provides. The
> last release required no changes but had a proviso about content licenses.
> This next release should fly through without provisos IMHO. Are there other
> things we should do?
> On Sep 1, 2017, at 6:16 AM, takako shimamoto <chiboch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I entirely agree with everyone else.
> I hope the PIO community will become more active after graduation.
>> 2. If we are to graduate, who should we include in the list of the
> initial
>> PMC?
> Don't all present IPMC members are included in the list of the initial PMC?
> Personally, I think we may as well check and see if present IPMC
> members intend to become an initial PMC for graduation.
> Members who make a declaration of intent to become it will surely
> contribute to the project.
> It is a great contribution not only to develop a program but also to
> respond to email aggressively or fix document.
> 2017-08-29 14:20 GMT+09:00 Donald Szeto <don...@apache.org>:
>> Hi all,
>> Since the ASF Board meeting in May (
>> http://apache.org/foundation/records/minutes/2017/board_
> minutes_2017_05_17.txt),
>> PredictionIO has been considered nearing graduation and I think we are
>> almost there. I am kickstarting this thread so that we can discuss on
> these
>> 3 things:
>> 1. Does the development community feel ready to graduate?
>> 2. If we are to graduate, who should we include in the list of the
> initial
>> PMC?
>> 3. If we are to graduate, who should be the VP of the initial PMC?
>> These points are relevant for graduation. Please take a look at the
>> official graduation guide:
>> http://incubator.apache.org/guides/graduation.html.
>> In addition, Sara and I have been working to transfer the PredictionIO
>> trademark to the ASF. We will keep you updated with our progress.
>> I would also like to propose to cut a 0.12.0 release by merging JIRAs
> that
>> have a target version set to 0.12.0-incubating for graduation. 0.12.0
> will
>> contain cleanups for minor license and copyright issues that were pointed
>> out in previous releases by IPMC.
>> Let me know what you think.
>> Regards,
>> Donald


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